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7 Contoh Puisi Bahasa Inggris yang Penuh Makna

Beberapa puisi bahasa inggris ini penuh makna dan juga menyentuh hati
Contoh puisi bahasa inggris/Pinterest
Contoh puisi bahasa inggris/Pinterest

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA - Puisi dalam bahasa inggris disebut dengan Poetry. Rangkaian puisi ini menjadi sarana untuk bereksplorasi dan belajar bahasa inggris lebih dalam. Karena Ketika membuat puisi, kamu akan belajar grammar, tenses dan bagian lainnya. Puisi dalam bahasa inggris juga sering menjadi tugas sekolah. Untuk itu,  kamu perlu mengetahui beberapa contoh puisi bahasa inggris. 

Menulis puisi memiliki banyak manfaat. Tidak hanya bisa melatih grammar dan tenses, cara ini juga bisa meningkatkan kreativitas, melatih kemampuan berpikir, dan mengekspresikan pikiran atau perasaan. 

Kumpulan Puisi Bahasa Inggris Singkat Penuh Makna

Puisi Bahasa Inggris tentang Guru 

My Teacher

You are the light in the darkness. 

You can illuminate our path towards the light.

You are my bridge. 

Who drove us to the dream. 

Thank you, O Teacher. 

Your services were invaluable. 

Always remembered millions of human beings. 

Engraved in gold ink education. 

Altought we often do no understand.

But, we often only can make you angry. 

You wait with patience. 

Without asking quit teaching to us. 

May you be embraced by god. 

You juxtaposed the residents of heaven. 

With drops of you knowledge. 

We pray, you’ve kept beloved god. 

Puisi Bahasa Inggris tentang Kehidupan

Life is a journey, full of twists and turns
A rollercoaster ride that often churns
It takes us to places we’ve never been
A journey of discovery, like nothing we’ve seen

Life is a challenge, a test of our will
It can be tough, but we must fulfill
Our dreams and aspirations, with courage and skill
We must push forward, and never stand still

Life is a gift, to be cherished each day
A precious jewel that never fades away
We must make the most of every moment, come what may
And live our lives to the fullest, every single day

Puisi Bahasa Inggris tentang Sekolah

School is something,
we must all embrace.
Knowledge we need,
to seek out and chase.

Subjects and teaching styles,
are plentiful and vary.
Just like the backpacks,
we all need to carry.

Sports, clubs, and activities,
at every single turn.
So much to do,
study and learn.

To get the most from school,
we should consistently attend.
Around each corner,
there’s always a friend.

Our favorite teachers,
are friendly and kind.
Their passion and job,
to expand every mind.

School is something,
we must all embrace.
Just remember to learn,
at your own pace.

Puisi Bahasa Inggris tentang Ibu

A mother’s love is a precious gift
A constant source of care and uplift
Her selfless love, a guiding light
Her warm embrace, a safe respite

A mother’s touch is a soothing balm
A healing salve that brings calm
Her gentle voice, a comforting psalm
Her unwavering love, a lifelong charm

Puisi tentang Ayah

A father’s love is a priceless treasure
A constant source of love and pleasure
His strength and wisdom, beyond measure
His love for us, an endless river

A father’s smile lights up our day
His warm embrace keeps fears at bay
His unwavering support, come what may
Makes us feel loved in every way

Dear father, you are our rock
A tower of strength that cannot be knocked
Your love is an unending stock
We are so grateful to have you as our rock

Puisi Bahasa Inggris tentang Sahabat

A friend like you is hard to find. 

Someone so special and one of a kind. 

You’re always there when I need you. 

With a shoulder to cry on or a hug to give. 

You’re always there with a listening ear. 

And wise words of advice when I need them. 

You know how to make me laugh. 

Even when I’m feeling down. 

I cherish our friendship so much. 

And am so thankful for you, my friend. 

I hope our friendship lasts forever. 

Because it’s one of the best things in life. 

Puisi tentang Alam

Birds are chirping so melodiously
Indicating a new day is starting
The beauty of the nature keeps me amazed
As if the world is made just for me

I close my eyes for a moment
I stretch my hand and breathe
I feel the cool breezes
The feeling of calm and peace

O the creator of nature
My admiration for this nature
Can’t be explained by words
The beauty of nature will never fade

Itulah beberapa contoh puisi bahasa inggris yang mungkin belum kamu ketahui. 

Cek Berita dan Artikel yang lain di Google News dan WA Channel

Penulis : Hana Fathina
Bisnis Indonesia Premium.

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