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Contoh Cerita Liburan Sekolah dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris

Berikut ini beberapa contoh cerita liburan sekolah yang bisa kamu baca atau jadikan inspirasi.
Contoh cerita liburan sekolah/Freepik.
Contoh cerita liburan sekolah/Freepik.

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA - Liburan sekolah merupakan momen yang dinantikan oleh anak-anak. Setelah sekian lama belajar momen berlibur adalah saat yang tepat untuk melepas penat. Pada momen ini ajak si anak berlibur dan menjelajahi hal baru. Si anak juga akan menceritakan pengalaman liburan sekolahnya. Untuk itu, kamu perlu mengetahui contoh cerita liburan sekolah. Pada materi SD, anak akan belajar menceritakan pengalaman pribadi. Salah satunya contoh cerita liburan sekolah. 

Biasanya pada momen ini guru akan memberikan tugas mengarang kepada si anak mengenai liburan sekolahnya. Si anak bisa menuliskan tentang pengalamannya berlibur ke rumah nenek, bermain di pantai, atau sekedar membantu ibu di rumah. 

Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh cerita liburan sekolah yang sudah dilansir dari berbagai sumber: 

  • Contoh cerita liburan sekolah ke rumah nenek 

Pada liburan yang lalu saya berkunjung ke rumah nenek, di Desa Marunda. Saya mengajak adik dan dua teman sekelasku. Kami berangkat pukul 06.00 dengan naik sepeda bersama-sama. Sudah mengingatkan saya sebenarnya kepada teman saya agar jangan terlalu kencang dalam bersepeda. Jalan menuju rumah nenek sangat ramai, sehingga ada teman saya yang terjatuh karena bersepeda terlalu kencang padahal kendaraan yang lalu lalang sangat ramai.

  • Contoh cerita liburan sekolah kerumah nenek di pegunungan 

Hai, namaku Aldi. Waktu liburan sekolah sudah dekat, Ayah dan Ibu mengajakku berlibur ke rumah nenek. Adikku sangat senang mendengarnya, begitu juga denganku. Rumah nenek berada di daerah pegunungan yang sangat sejuk.

Hari yang ditunggu-tunggu pun tiba, kami bersiap-siap untuk pergi berlibur ke rumah nenek. Adikku tidak pernah lupa membawa bola kesayangannya. Dari rumah, aku naik mobil bersama ayah, ibu, dan adik. Di perjalanan kami melihat banyak pemandangan yang indah. Akhirnya, kami sampai di rumah nenek. Nenek sangat senang melihat kedatangan kami.

  • Contoh cerita liburan sekolah ke luar kota 

Liburan sekolah beberapa tahun yang lalu, aku beserta keluarga pergi ke Padang. Padang merupakan ibu kota Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Di Padang, banyak sekali keunikan dan tempat menarik yang merupakan ciri khas Kota Padang. Perjalanan kesana kurang lebih dua hari dengan menggunakan bus pariwisata. Tempat yang pertama saya kunjungi adalah Bukit Tinggi. Waktu tempuh menuju Bukit Tinggi kurang lebih 4 jam dari Kota Padang jika menggunakan mobil. Daerah ini terkenal sekali dengan jam gadangnya. 

  • Contoh Cerita liburan sekolah ke luar negeri dalam bahasa inggris 

Finally in this christmas and new year holiday, I had the opportunity to travel to Switzerland I decided to splurge on a business class plane ticket. It was my first time flying business class and I have to say, it was a truly luxurious experience.

As soon as I boarded the plane, I was greeted by the friendly flight attendants and shown to my comfortable seat, which was spacious and had plenty of legroom. I was also given a cozy blanket and a pair of noise-cancelling headphones.

Throughout the flight, I was treated to gourmet meals and drinks, including fine wines and champagne. I was also able to use the plane’s WiFi to stay connected and get some work done during the flight.

When I arrived in Switzerland, I started my trip in the capital city of Bern, where I visited the Old Town and saw the famous clock tower. I also took a train to Interlaken, a town nestled between two stunning lakes. From there, I took a cable car up to the top of the Jungfrau mountain, where I was treated to breathtaking views of the surrounding peaks.

One of the highlights of my trip was a visit to the city of Lucerne, where I saw the beautiful Chapel Bridge and the Water Tower. I also went on a boat ride on Lake Lucerne and saw some of the stunning homes and mansions along the shore.

My trip to Switzerland was an incredible experience and I would highly recommend it to anyone looking to see some of the most beautiful places in the world. Now I’m ready to start the new year with a new spirit!

  • Contoh Cerita liburan sekolah ke rumah nenek dalam bahasa inggris

I recently spent my holiday break at my grandmother’s house. It was a great experience because I don’t get to see her very often, and I always enjoy spending time with her. The first few days were spent catching up and getting to know each other better. My grandmother told me stories about her life and shared some of her wisdom and advice with me. It was interesting to hear about her experiences and to learn from her.

One of the things I enjoyed most was helping my grandmother with some of her chores and errands. I helped her with things like grocery shopping, cleaning the house, and gardening. It was a nice way to spend time together and to feel useful. Another highlight of my trip was getting to try some of my grandmother’s home-cooked meals. She is an amazing cook, and I always look forward to trying her delicious dishes. She made me some of my favorites, like her famous chicken soup and her delicious apple pie.

Overall, I had a great time spending my holiday break at my grandmother’s house. It was a nice change of pace from my usual routine, and I enjoyed spending quality time with my grandmother. I’m already looking forward to my next visit.

  • Contoh Cerita liburan sekolah ke Bandung dalam bahasa Inggris

I recently went on a holiday to Bandung, a city in West Java, Indonesia. It was a great trip because I hadn’t been to Bandung in a while, and I was excited to explore the city and see what it had to offer.

One of the first things I did was visit the Tangkuban Perahu, a volcano that is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Bandung. I hiked to the top of the volcano and was rewarded with stunning views of the surrounding area. I also enjoyed trying some of the local food and souvenirs that were available at the top of the volcano.

Another highlight of my trip was visiting the Saung Angklung Udjo, a cultural center that promotes the traditional music of West Java. I attended a performance of the angklung, a traditional musical instrument made of bamboo, and learned about the history and culture of the instrument. I also enjoyed watching a traditional dance performance and trying some of the local snacks that were available.

Actually, I also wanted to go to Trans Studio, but I didn’t have enough money to buy the ticket. Once I'm satisfied in Bandung, I have to go home.

Overall, I had a great time on my trip to Bandung. It was a nice change of pace from my usual routine, and I enjoyed exploring the city and experiencing its culture and history. I would definitely recommend Bandung to anyone looking for a fun and interesting holiday destination.

Itulah beberapa contoh cerita liburan sekolah yang mungkin bisa kamu contoh.

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Penulis : Hana Fathina
Konten Premium

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