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LTE technology utilizes idle frequencies

JAKARTA: The government is likely to accommodate the entry of fourth generation technology of Long Term Evolution (LTE) in Indonesia, by utilizing number of frequencies that have not yet optimized.Director General of Resources and Post and Information

JAKARTA: The government is likely to accommodate the entry of fourth generation technology of Long Term Evolution (LTE) in Indonesia, by utilizing number of frequencies that have not yet optimized.Director General of Resources and Post and Information Tools at the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology Muhammad Budi Setiawan said that until now there are a number of frequencies which have not yet optimized from the given allocation.According to him, those frequencies are listed on the allocation for the deployment of broadcast with the remaining bandwidth of 150 MHz, while the allocation for WiMax deployment has remaining bandwidth of 60 MHz.In this case, as he said, frequencies are limited resource and the utilization should be as optimal as possible. In addition, the frequency is neutral, so it can be used for any technology deployment."We are still doing the evaluation. Later on, LTE can be placed on 2.3 GHz frequency which is used by WiMax with a remaining frequency of 60 MHz, or remaining broadcast of 150 MHz," he told Bisnis, last week.LTE is the name of a service that has a high capability in mobile communications systems and known as 4th generation (4G) of radio technology designed to enhance the capacity and speed of the mobile telephone network. Earlier generations is called 3G.Budi said the government every year conducted a regular evaluation the use on frequency use which has been given the allocation to license holders in providing service to consumers.License revokedWith its existence as a limited resource, the government will revoke frequency license to ensure its utilization if the license holder does not use the provided allocation based on the regulation.Budi said the entry opportunity of LTE also in conjunction with the modernization of television channels at a frequency of 700 MHz which has been proclaimed by the government, with the migration from analog system to digital system. Migration is planned in stages and scheduled for completion in 2018.The change from analog to digital system will provide greater space to the provision of bandwidth, considering the use of frequencies that will become more efficient, so the channel can be compressed.Members of Indonesian Telecommunications Regulatory Body (BRTI) Heru Sutadi previously said that the migration of television frequency use from analog to digital will certainly provide new spectrum that can be used for the possible inclusion of other technologies such as Long Term Evolution (LTE).Many countries have implemented LTE at a frequency of 700 MHz, where in Indonesia it is still used for analog television channel. (t03/msw)

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Editor : Mursito


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