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Govt urged Telkomsel to move its 3G channel this year

JAKARTA: The government ensured the 3G channel settings at a frequency of 2.1 GHz according to the initial scenario, Telkomsel had to move the channel by the end of this year.In the initial scenario, of available 12 3G channels will be occupied by Tri

JAKARTA: The government ensured the 3G channel settings at a frequency of 2.1 GHz according to the initial scenario, Telkomsel had to move the channel by the end of this year.In the initial scenario, of available 12 3G channels will be occupied by Tri (Hutchison products) in channel 1 and 2, Axis (Natrindo product) in channel 3 and 4, Telkomsel in channel 5 and 6, Indosat in channel 7 and 8, and XL in channel 9 and 10, while the remaining two channels will be provided for guardband, and for the allocation of third carrier.Meanwhile, now Tri only has one channel in channel1, channel 2 is empty. Axis also has one channel on channel 3, Telkomsel in channel 4 and 5, channel 6 is empty, Indosat in channel 7 and 8, XL in channel 9 and 10. Channel 11 is empty and channel 12 is dedicated for guardband.In this respect, SingTel must shift its 3G channel which still occupies the channel 4 to channel 6, since channel 4 has been allocated for the Axis.The Director General of Post and Information Resources at Ministry of Communication and Information Technology Muhammad Budi Setiawan said the arrangement was done simultaneously with the insistence of the second carrier use from Tri and Axis in order to be able to expand their business and services, where both operators are ready to pay and invest for those channels.However, Telkomsel is given time to shift its channel, considering a number of fundamental reasons that can not be ignored."Telkomsel has to move its channel, with a deadline in the end of this year. We give time for the displacement since the company has to take care of its investment and the number of customers," he said, after Huawei technology exhibition titled Indonesia Mobile and Fixed Broadband Roadshow yesterday.Budi said in the 3G setting, it has not come to a discussion on the allocation for the third carrier. There are already two major operators including Telkomsel and XL which are requesting the addition of a third channel.Members of Indonesian Telecommunication Regulatory Body (BRTI) Heru Sutadi revealed that the 3G setting is still referring to the old scenario. In this the scenario, each operator has two channels, which are arranged side by side.He added that the arrangement for the 3G frequencies has not yet set up the allocation for the third carrier, while the empty channel is set at 11."We remain focused for the arrangement of the second carrier first. If that was not done how we could organize the third carrier. The third carrier allocation will be possibly auctioned. " (t03/msw)

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Editor : Mursito


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