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AirAsia releases an insurance service for passengers

JAKARTA: PT Indonesia AirSia released AirAsia Insure, an insurance service to protect passengers while traveling and after the flight.AirAsia Insure is supported by 2 insurance companies; PT Asuransi Dayin Mitra Tbk who provides travel insurance product

JAKARTA: PT Indonesia AirSia released AirAsia Insure, an insurance service to protect passengers while traveling and after the flight.AirAsia Insure is supported by 2 insurance companies; PT Asuransi Dayin Mitra Tbk who provides travel insurance product and PT CIMB Sun Life who provides life insurance product.With the insurance product, sold at IDR25,000-IDR85,000, passenger will get IDR600,000 compensation if the flight delayed for 2 hours in note it is because of carrier error.Beside aviation error, we will not cover, Dayins President Director Josef G. Setyo told Bisnis.Such insurance is an additional value and will benefit the passengers in the form of reimbursement for any delays, accident, damage and lost baggage, 24 hours medical help and corpse delivery, Indonesia AirAsias President Director Dharmadi told Bisnis.It is an addition to current Jasa Raharja.CIMB Sun Lifes life insurance product also provides accident and hospitalization service, President Director Vivien kusumowardhani told Bisnis. (t05/msw)

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Editor : Mursito


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