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Inka sets 35% revenue growth target

SURABAYA: PT Industri Kereta Api targets to pack IDR829 billion revenue this year or soared by 35% compared to last years realization.The company is burdened with relatively higher revenue target compared to the previous year, said PT Industri Kereta

SURABAYA: PT Industri Kereta Api targets to pack IDR829 billion revenue this year or soared by 35% compared to last years realization.The company is burdened with relatively higher revenue target compared to the previous year, said PT Industri Kereta Api (Inka) President Director, Roos Diatmoko.Such revenue target rises relatively significant or about IDR210 billion compared to last year at IDR619 billion, he said yesterday.During 2010-2014, the state controlled train operator sets accumulated sales of IDR6.5 trillion by constructing at least 236 units of new trains to replace the above 40 years-old wagons.Head of Public Relation Bureau of PT Inka Fathor Rasyid said that Inka expects its profit to reach IDR37 billion or slightly rise from 2010s, IDR29 billion. (k21) (t02/msw)

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Editor : Mursito


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