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BPR disburses IDR36.36 trillion credit

JAKARTA: The amount credit that has been distributed by rural credit bank (BPR) until April 2011 reached IDR36.36 trillion or 7.44% higher compared to the end of 2010 around IDR33.84 trillion.Based on data from Bank Indonesia, the credit was disbursed

JAKARTA: The amount credit that has been distributed by rural credit bank (BPR) until April 2011 reached IDR36.36 trillion or 7.44% higher compared to the end of 2010 around IDR33.84 trillion.Based on data from Bank Indonesia, the credit was disbursed by 1,680 BPR to 3.1 million borrowers, which means each customer in average received IDR11, 71 million loans.The performance during the first 4 months of 2011 is in accordance to the associations target, Chairman of the Association of Indonesia Rural Credit Bank (Perbarindo) Joko Suyanto said.Based on the figure until the end of April 2011, he is optimistic that the credit growth target of 20% to 25% can be achieved. If it seen from the growth during the 4 months that reached 7.44% then the growth will exceed 20% if multiplied by 3 to 12 months,Moreover, credit growth in Q2 and Q3 is predicted to increase higher than Q1 due to national events such as Eid ul-Fitr and new school year.Approaching to Eid ul-Fitr, demand for credit will increase, mostly for traders working capital. In new school year, financing also will increase primarily to finance the children administration for school, he said.He added the performance up to April 2011 showed that BPR developed horizontally rather than vertically. BPR grows not because it disburse loan to one debtor in great number but rather to many customers.According to him, it is a positive thing that risk of credit spread out to many borrowers. Risk mitigation will be much better so that we are optimistic to create better credit, he said.Deposits as of April 2011 reached IDR38.79 trilion or 2.75% higher from the end of 2010. It is still dominates source from BPR with portion of 59.21%. (t06/msw)

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Editor : Mursito


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