JAKARTA: Indonesian shares lost 37.72 points at the midday break.Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) slumped 1.02% to 3,651.94 after moving within 3,648.24-3,691.11.Out of 418 stocks sustaining the index, almost 20 shares fell for every increase while 224 remained unchanged.The decline in the index was led by PT Gudang Garam by contributing minus 3.10 points followed by PT Perusahaan Gas Negara with minus 2.89 points, PT Unilever Indonesia with minus 2.73 points and PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia with minus 2.41 points.Some stocks holding up the index included PT Sumber Alfaria with 1.13 points, PT Bank Mega with 0.94 points, PT XL Axiata with 0.51% and PT Semen Gresik with 0.35 points.All the nine sectors listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange contributed to the decline today, led by consumer goods with minus 23.72%.BISNIS-27 Index also experienced 3.56 points loss or 1.09% to 321.50 from the todays opening. The index moved between 321.09 and 325.28.(T03/NOM)
Indonesian stocks drop by 1.02%
JAKARTA: Indonesian shares lost 37.72 points at the midday break.Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) slumped 1.02% to 3,651.94 after moving within 3,648.24-3,691.11.Out of 418 stocks sustaining the index, almost 20 shares fell for every increase while 224
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