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Wintermar prepares three vessels for KPC

JAKARTA: PT Wintermar, the subsidiary of PT Wintermar Offshore Marine Tbk prepares three new vessels to tap the procurement contract to PT Kaltim Prima Coal, costing US$18 million.The company has secured letter of intent from PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC)

JAKARTA: PT Wintermar, the subsidiary of PT Wintermar Offshore Marine Tbk prepares three new vessels to tap the procurement contract to PT Kaltim Prima Coal, costing US$18 million.The company has secured letter of intent from PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) for five years contract to procure three units of azimuth stern drive (ASD).Wintermar prepares ASD tugboat that has high quality level maneuver particularly in assisting mooring and off the mooring process of dry bulk vessels.According to him, dry bulk vessels with the size of up to 220,0000 dead weight tonnage (DWT) will be guided during mooring and off mooring process.We prepare three units of vessels, he said in Jakarta yesterday.Further, he explained that Wintermar prepares three units of new vessels to tap this contract. Previously, the company has operated ASD tugboat to serve several oil terminals Indonesia since 2000.Sugiman explained that the five years contract with KPC valuing US$18 million will be tapped in the fourth quarter this year. We prefer to use new vessels in this contract.KPC is a coal mining company located in Sangata, east Borneo.In the meantime, PT Wintermar Offshore Marine Tbk (WINS) is an offshore service provider having more than 60 vessels, serving exploration companies and oil and gas producer in upstream sector.This year, WINS becomes the first Indonesia company to receive the certification of Integrated Management System from Llyods Register Quality Assurance, including ISO 9001;2008 (Quality), ISO14001:2004 (Environment) and OHSAS 18001:2007 (Occupational Health and Safety).Previously, PT Wintermar secured two years contract from Total E&P Indonesie to procure US$6.5 million supply vessel as it will be operated by February 2012. (t02/msw)

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Editor : Mursito


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