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Panasia Indosyntec books US$9.49 billion profit

JAKARTA: PT Panasia Indosyntec Tbk, an Indonesian-based textile producer, reported a IDR9.49 billion net income in the first half of 2011 after suffering IDR28.61 billion loss in the first half of 2010 along with higher sales volume and lower expenses.In

JAKARTA: PT Panasia Indosyntec Tbk, an Indonesian-based textile producer, reported a IDR9.49 billion net income in the first half of 2011 after suffering IDR28.61 billion loss in the first half of 2010 along with higher sales volume and lower expenses.In addition, the textile manufacturer booked a jump of revenue by 100.59% to IDR552.48 billion from IDR275.43 billion, based on a financial statement published today.Then, in line with revenues soar, the goods sold expenses climbed 83.02% to IDR520.92 billion from IDR284.63 billion, so the gross income was reported to IDR31.55 billion. Previously, it suffered IDR9.21 billion loss.In the first half of 2011, the operating income was booked down to IDR12.86 billion from IDR15.97 billion.In addition, other expenses posts was also recorded down by 52.78% to IDR5.71 billion during the first half of this year from IDR12.09 billion in the same period of last year.In this afternoons trading, the HDTX share-coded company remained stagnant at IDR190 level leading to market capitalization by IDR291.2 billion. (t01/msw)

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Editor : Mursito


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