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BW Plantation packs 99.4% net income jump in 1H/2011

JAKARTA: A listed palm oil plantation company, PT BW Plantation Tbk packed 99.4% net income jump in the first half this year on rising CPO sale.The net income was IDR170.55 billion compared to IDR85.55 billion in the first half of 2010. The net margin

JAKARTA: A listed palm oil plantation company, PT BW Plantation Tbk packed 99.4% net income jump in the first half this year on rising CPO sale.The net income was IDR170.55 billion compared to IDR85.55 billion in the first half of 2010. The net margin also rose to 35.8% from 31%, said BW Plantation Corporate Secretary, Kelik Irwantono.BW Plantation, a palm oil plantation company controlled by Tjipto Widodo, the fourth son of Budiono Widodo controls seven palm oil plantations in Borneo through seven subsidiaries.Those seven subsidiaries are PT Bumilanggeng Perdanatrada, PT Adhyaksa Dharmasatya, PT Wana Catur Jaya Utama, PT Sawit Sukses Sejahtera, PT Bumihutani Lestari, PT Agrolestari Kencana Makmur, and PT Satria Manunggal Sejahtera.In line with such net income growth, BW Plantations operating income soared by 122% to IDR275.05 billion from IDR123.87 billion, resulting into 57.7% rise of operating margin from 44.9%. Gross income also surged by 98.8% to IDR327.64 billion from IDR164.84 billion.BW Plantations revenue soared by 73% to IDR476.95 billion from IDR275.67 billion. With regard operational performance, CPO sales grew by 35% to 53,248 ton from 39,438 ton with average sale price of IDR7.77 million per ton or grew by 19.4% from IDR6.50 million per ton.The production of fresh fruit bunches in the core plantation surged by 50.3% to 242,815 ton from 161,600 ton while production of fresh fruit bunch from plasma plantation or generated from local farmer grew by 17.3% to 7,722 ton from 6,584 ton.In the first half of 2011, BW Plantation planted 4,416 hectare new areas while the additional planted area during the first half 2010 to the first half 2011 reached 10,428 hectare. The companys total planted area reached 56,476 hectare while the total area was 93,000 hectare.In the meantime, other CPO producer, PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk posted IDR4.54 trillion sales in the first half of 2011 or soared by 44.5% compared to earlier year period at IDR3.14 trillion.Astra Agro salesAstra Agros CPO sales volume in such period soared by 18.7% from 477,639 ton to 566.774 ton. Such sale was dominated by rising local sales volume that successfully absorbed 94.8% of the total sales volume or 537,226 ton, 22.7% rise compared to the previous period at 437.96 tonSuch sale value was based on the CPO average price at IDR8,013 per kg or rose by 21.6% compared to the same period last year at IDR6,590 per kg.Such rise is in line with the improved fresh fruit bunches production in the first half of 2011, said Astra Agro Corporate Planning and Investor Relations Yarmanto.During the first six months this year, our sales volume surged by 18.7% from last year. Out of such sales volume, local sales absorbed 94.8%, he said during yesterdays public expose in Indonesia Stock Exchange. (t02/msw)

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Editor : Mursito


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