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Martabes reserves increase

JAKARTA: G-Resources Limited announced the increase of gold and silver reserves in Martabe, North Sumatera to be 6.73 million ounce and 68.31 million ounce as the new resources in East Purnama Zone.Chief Executive Officer (CEO) G-Resources Peter Albert

JAKARTA: G-Resources Limited announced the increase of gold and silver reserves in Martabe, North Sumatera to be 6.73 million ounce and 68.31 million ounce as the new resources in East Purnama Zone.Chief Executive Officer (CEO) G-Resources Peter Albert said the company which has finished 85% mining construction of gold and silver projects in Martabe, Batang Toru, North Sumatera, successfully found 233,000 ounce of gold and 2.11 million ounce of silver in East Purnama Zone.Total reserve in Martabe on July, 25 2011 is predicted at 6.73 million ounce (gold) and 68.31 million (gold). We were glad to announce this significant increase, he said in a press release. (nti) (t03/msw)

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Editor : Mursito


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