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Bank Muamalat to issue IDR800 billion subdebt

JAKARTA: PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk is planning to issue minimum IDR800 billion subdebt sharia bond in 2012 to strengthen its capital adequacy ratio.With the issuance of the subdebt, Muamalat CAR might increase by 4%, Director of Finance and Operational

JAKARTA: PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk is planning to issue minimum IDR800 billion subdebt sharia bond in 2012 to strengthen its capital adequacy ratio.With the issuance of the subdebt, Muamalat CAR might increase by 4%, Director of Finance and Operational Hendiarto told Bisnis. The bank CAR position in the first half was 11.57%.The ratio is projected to decline due to the bank plan to expand 30%-40% this year than 2010. Muamalats CAR is projected to decrease 0.25% due to finance its expansion worth IDR1 trillion.Muamalats President Director Arviyan Arifin cannot detail the agenda.If financing grow, profit will grow as well and it can be counted as CAR. It is possible that CAR will continue to above 11% until the end of the year. (t05/msw)

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Editor : Mursito


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