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Tafakul releases sharia unit linked

JAKARTA: PT Asuransi Takaful Keluarga released investment-based insurance product with sharia principle to guarantee the continuity of education.Such product is education insurance product that is repacked with additional investment called Takafulink

JAKARTA: PT Asuransi Takaful Keluarga released investment-based insurance product with sharia principle to guarantee the continuity of education.Such product is education insurance product that is repacked with additional investment called Takafulink Salam Cendekia, Tafakul Keluargas President Director Trihadi Deritanto said.We are targeting 30% premium income from such product in this years second half, he said over the weekend.According to him, the company is eyeing middle and upper retail markets to increase the unit linked premium income contribution up to 60% until the end of year. (msw/t06)

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Editor : Mursito


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