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Barito sells 500 million shares in Gozco Plantations

JAKARTA: PT Barito Pacific Tbk, a parent company of PT Chandra Asri and PT Tri Polyta Indonesia Tbk, said it had sold 500 million shares of plantation company PT Gozco Plantations Tbk at IDR375 per share or IDR187.5 billion in total.

JAKARTA: PT Barito Pacific Tbk, a parent company of PT Chandra Asri and PT Tri Polyta Indonesia Tbk, said it had sold 500 million shares of plantation company PT Gozco Plantations Tbk at IDR375 per share or IDR187.5 billion in total.

The company said in a disclosure to the Indonesian Stock Exchange today that the shares sale was made on June 10, 2011.As a result, Barito Pacifics ownership in Gozco Plantations declined to 0.83% currently from previous 10.83%.Last year, Barito Pacific disposed 19 million shares of Gozco Plantations or 0.38% of total companys shares at IDR395 per share or IDR7.51 billion in total.The other shareholders of Gozco Plantation ara Wildwood Investment Pte. Limited which owns 26.37 %Golden Zaga Indonesia 26%, Wintergreen Investment Limited 3.5 %, Gozco Plantation Director Andrew Michael Vincent 0.7%, Commissioner Rudyansyah Bin. A Cosim 0.6%, Director Jamal Rosyidin Hakki owns 0.6% and public hold 31.40%.The Barito Pacific shares decline IDR10 or 0.97% to IDR1,020 and The shares of Gozco Plantations increased IDR5 or 1.33% to IDR380 at the Jakarta Stock Exchange as of midday trading break. (msw)

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Editor : Mursito


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