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Truck limitation spurs mixed response

JAKARTA: Port operator, PT Pelindo II, and truck owners or National Road Transport Operators Association are not in the same point of view in responding governments decision regarding permanent restriction on truck operation in inner ring road.National

JAKARTA: Port operator, PT Pelindo II, and truck owners or National Road Transport Operators Association are not in the same point of view in responding governments decision regarding permanent restriction on truck operation in inner ring road.National Road Transport Operators Association (Organda) accepted the decision, but the association asks for compensation on the increase of logistics costs since the trucks have to take a long road to go which pushing up shipping cost.Pelindo II saw the compensation is less necessary since the impact is not great on freight performance at the port."At the coordination meeting in coordinating minister of economic affairs office on Friday, we provide a number of inputs. First, the government has to give compensation in the form of fiscal incentives to of goods public transport operators," said Chairman of Organda Eka Sari Lorena Surbakti in Jakarta, yesterday.He expects that incentives can help to rejuvenate vehicles, so they can be effectively operated.Besides, as he said, the government should consider subsidies for public transportation.Eka quoted the statement of Head of Jakarta's Transportation Department saying the setting operating hours for truck on Cawang-Pluit-Semanggi toll road may economize the use of fuel for private vehicles.Eka said the compensation for truck operators has to be equal with the potential increase in shipping cost which standing within the range of 20%-30%.Coordination meeting between central government, police, and a number of local governments on Friday, June 10, 2011 decided to the truck restriction in inner ring road since early May 2011, during Asean Summit in Jakarta will be imposed permanently.Trucks are limited to enter Cawang-Pluit-Semanggi toll road and they are allowed to pass the road only at 10:00 p.m. to 05:00 p.m. every day. This policy will be imposed through the transportation minister's decision.Eka said Organda also provided input in the form of suggestion to address traffic jam and other transportation problems in Jakarta, one of them is to finish the construction of toll JORR W2 and E2 as soon as possible.Comprehensive revitalization of public transportation, as he said, has to be done as soon as possible and private vehicles which dominating roads in Jakarta should be regulated, not only transport goods vehicles which play a major role in the economy of the country.Chairman of Organda for Special Transportation in Tanjung Priok Port (Ansguspel) Gemilang Tarin said the restriction on operation of truck in inner ring road must be accompanied by compensation to the truck operator of the facility of car import duty that will be rejuvenated and import duty of tires and spare parts.(t03/msw)

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Editor : Mursito


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