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2 projects of Jasa Marga ready to be signed

JAKARTA: The government is ready to sign the amendment of concession agreement of two toll road projects owned by PT Jasa Marga Tbk in next week.The two toll roads are Surabaya-Mojokerto (Sumo) over 36.27 km and Jakarta Outer Ring Road Section W2 (Kebon

JAKARTA: The government is ready to sign the amendment of concession agreement of two toll road projects owned by PT Jasa Marga Tbk in next week.The two toll roads are Surabaya-Mojokerto (Sumo) over 36.27 km and Jakarta Outer Ring Road Section W2 (Kebon Jeruk-Ulujami) along 7.7 km.Deputy Minister of Public Works Hermanto Dardak said the signing will be done following the preparation of administrative documents of several toll roads clauses of 24 unfinished toll roads which has been finalized by Toll Road Regulatory Body (BPJT)."There has been toll road business entity [BUJT] which is ready to sign the amendment of concession agreement next week, the toll road is dedicated to link Surabaya Mojokerto and JORR W2, following Depok-Antasari toll road," he said Tuesday.Similarly, Head of BPJT Ahmad Ghani Ghazali said this time the institution has prepared several administrative documents for the concession agreement which will be signed in the near future.According to Ghani, Ministry of Public Works currently has no problem in the amendment clause which has been finalized. However, there is still BUJT which is still waiting for internal discussion among shareholders for the content of article amendments to the concession agreement.Related to the issue of banking guarantees, as he said, it has been stipulated in the amendment clause of article one on the concession agreement, in which each BUJT which are unable to meet credit requirements then it will be terminated. However, construction continued with the appointment of a new BUJT by a syndicate of banks."The appointment of the new BUJT depending on the syndicated bank," he said.Meanwhile, PT Jasa Marga Tbk Surabaya joint concession holders of Mojokerto toll road and JORR W2 when confirmed said that the preparation has been discussed, and the company is also ready."Yes, these two toll road contracts will be signed, I did not include the other toll road projects because those are managed by the companys subsidiary," told Jasa Margas president director Frans Setyaki Sunito to Bisnis.However after signing of the concession agreement, he hopes the government must commit to resolve the issue of land acquisition since the bailout from the government will be paid by BUJT after the land is 100% free.Because the red plate this company claims to have prepared various things for the construction of two toll roads as well as other sections.Frans said the toll roads to JORR Section W2, Jasa Marga has opened a tender for construction since last month, and the contractor will selected by end of this month. The construction process is expected will begin in mid-July the land is 100% free.While, construction process of Surabaya-Mojokerto toll road has run from two directions without waiting for lan acquisition is completed. However, there is still there a few percent of land that have not yet acquired.With the signing of the amendment of the concession agreement, he hopes the land problem can be resolved, so JORR W2 can be operated at the end of 2012, and Surabaya-Mojokerto in mid-2013. (12) (t03/msw)

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Editor : Mursito


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